
Captain Angus Remembered


It is with great sadness that we learn of the passing of our Honorary Life President, Captain Angus McDonald.

Angus was a founder member of this great club and worked tirelessly from the very first meeting in 1997 helping to lay the foundations in the early years.

Angus took a leading role in the organization and presentation of many Burns Suppers and an annual general meeting of the North American Association of Burns Clubs and almost single handedly an annual conference of the Robert Burns World Federation.

He was a small man with a larger than life heart and character. He was an old school gentleman and for us a mentor, a font of knowledge of all things Burnsian, the greatest of friends and when required a moderating influence.

Angus loved the cameradie and spectacle of Burns Night and performed many times including his never to be forgotten renderings of “The Fornicator“.

He had many friends in the worldwide Burnsian community and was loved and respected by all.

We all join in wishing Angus Godspeed on his final voyage and we know that when he reaches that further shore it will be all hands on deck for a true mariners welcome.

In closing we think that the epitaph written by Robert burns for his friend William Muir could very will have been written for Captain Angus McDonald,

An honest man lies here at rest
as ere God with his image blest
The friend of man the friend of truth
The friend of age the guide of youth
Few hearts like his with virtue warmed
Few heads with knowledge so informed
If there’s another world he lives in bliss
If there is not he made the best of this.

Angus will be greatly missed and we know we will think of him often with great fondness,

RIP Captain Angus McDonald.

Bill Forster and Andrew Forsyth.
Founder members,Halifax Burns Club.


Angus McDonald full obituary.









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